Join us Thursday, Oct. 27! WA Cares Webinar: Long-Term Care Planning for Younger Workers


OLYMPIA — From 1–2 p.m. this Thursday, Oct. 27, the WA Cares Fund will host a panel discussion via Zoom on long-term care planning for younger workers. The conversation will cover what early and mid-career Washingtonians can do today to make sure they’re prepared for future care needs.

Long-term care is a predictable cost — 70% of us will need it at some point in our lives. And sometimes the need for care doesn’t wait until we age, whether due to an accident, disability or other condition that causes a person to need help with daily activities. It can be hard to know when you should start planning for long-term care and how to prioritize it compared to other financial and future planning needs. Join us to find out what you need to know about long-term care planning at each stage of your life. We will also provide an overview of the WA Cares Fund and how it will help younger workers.

Panelists are:

· Laura Cepoi, Executive Director of the Olympic Area Agency on Aging

· Ryan Davis, Interim Executive Director of the Washington Asset Building Coalition

Panelists will provide an overview of areas you should consider when planning for long-term care, followed by a discussion and audience Q&A.
We encourage all to come with their questions ready!

Full login information:

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Or dial: +1 253 215 8782
Webinar ID: 839 3839 9974

Live captions will be available.

About WA Cares
WA Cares Fund is a first-in-the-nation universal long-term care insurance program that provides working Washingtonians with access to affordable long-term care. By paying a small premium while working (just 0.58% of wages, or $0.58 per $100 earned), Washington’s workers will earn a $36,500 benefit that can be used for a variety of long-term care services, including paid caregiving from a professional or loved one, home modifications, meal delivery and more.

To learn more about WA Cares, call 844-CARE4WA, email staff via the contact form or visit

WA Cares: Let’s be the state where we all age with grace.



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