DSHS receives grant to advance equitable economic recovery


DSHS’ Economic Services Administration’s Dismantle Poverty team is one of the first grant recipients of the Learning and Action in Policy and Partnerships program, a new national effort from Data Across Sectors for Health. The goal of LAPP DASH is to advance health, equity and well-being through data sharing partnerships between communities and states.

Funding from LAPP DASH will support people and communities historically excluded from economic well-being to co-create a vision for a just and equitable future and co-design an accountability process to elevate the expertise of communities in state policy, program and funding decisions. ESA is partnering with Results Washington, Washington Recovery Group and the Office of Equity on the project, in collaboration with two lead community partners — Statewide Poverty Action Network and Front and Centered. The project aligns with Strategies 1 and 2 in the Blueprint for a Just and Equitable Future: The 10-year Plan to Dismantle Poverty in Washington, which recommends undoing institutional racism in state policy, programs and practices and creating equal space for people experiencing poverty in decision-making.

“We are honored to become a part of the LAPP DASH network, and grateful for resources that will elevate the expertise and influence of people and communities furthest away from opportunity to fuel an equitable recovery,” said Lori Pfingst, Senior Director in ESA.

DASH, led by the Illinois Public Health Institute and Michigan Public Health Institute and supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, developed LAPP with the Center for Health Care Strategies.

“Bridging multi-sector data from states and communities is a necessary step to achieving equity,” said Elissa Bassler, MFA, co-program director of DASH and chief executive officer of the Illinois Public Health Institute. “Grantees will reimagine how data can be used to build healthier, more equitable communities and share learnings with others.”

Grantees from six states, in LAPP’s first cohort, will receive funding and technical assistance to enhance community data-sharing capabilities and foster relationships between state governments, community based-organizations and community members. The initiative was developed with strategic planning and key insights from federal and state officials, community-based organization leaders, subject matter experts and community members.

You can read more about LAPP here.



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