DSHS annual art contest celebrates Child Support Awareness Month in August


Contact: Norah West, DSHS Office of Communications, 360–489–5587

OLYMPIA — Acknowledging the significant role child support plays in building a foundation for children to grow, prosper and thrive, Gov. Jay Inslee has officially proclaimed August as Child Support Awareness Month. Child support provides the necessary means that many Washington state families rely on in order to help children realize their dreams and become future leaders.

In recognition of this month, the Department of Social and Health Services’ Division of Child Support is soliciting entries to its annual art contest. Children through age 17 are invited to submit artwork and/or photography illustrating an answer to the question, “How will you change the world?”

Submissions are accepted through Aug. 15, and should be emailed in high-resolution JPG format to dcscontests@dshs.wa.gov. Selected artwork will be featured in a 2023 calendar made available free-of-charge later this fall at Division of Child Support offices.

Child support continues to be one of the most significant and most cost-effective state programs available to families. One way DCS helps families is by referring parents to community resources that address their unique challenges like housing, unemployment, incarceration, military transitions and substance use. By taking into consideration all of these needs and collaborating with parents and employers, DCS successfully collected $680 million for families and children in 2021.

This year marks the 27th anniversary the United States has recognized Child Support Awareness Month. To learn more about DSHS Division of Child Support and how it makes a difference in the life of Washington residents, visit childsupportonline.wa.gov.



WA State Department of Social and Health Services
WA State Department of Social and Health Services

Written by WA State Department of Social and Health Services

The WA State DSHS delivers a variety of social services, employment supports, safety programs, and court-ordered behavioral health care.

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