Celebrating the 33rd anniversary of the ADA


Contact: Jessica Nelson, DSHS Office of Communications

Jessica.Nelson1@dshs.wa.gov or (360) 902–8338

The Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law on July 26, 1990 by President George H.W. Bush. Throughout the year and on the ADA Anniversary, the ADA National Network and Washington State Department of Social and Health Services’ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation recognizes this landmark event and the important work being done to promote equal opportunity for people with disabilities.

This date marks the official signing of the ADA, however, the actual regulations and implementation continued to take a number of years to fully enact in the United States. The ADA was the result of extensive advocacy efforts by disability rights activists and organizations who pushed for comprehensive legislation to protect the rights and promote the inclusion of people with disabilities. Its passage was a significant milestone in advancing disability rights and it remains a crucial piece of legislation to this day.

Accessibility: The ADA has had a substantial impact on improving accessibility in public places. It mandates that new construction and alterations in public accommodations, such as restaurants, hotels, and theatres, be accessible to individuals with disabilities. This includes requirements for accessible parking spaces, ramps, elevators, and restrooms.

Employment: The ADA prohibits employment discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities, ensuring that they have equal opportunities in the workplace. It has led to increased workplace accommodations, such as modified work schedules, assistive technology and accessible facilities. However, challenges remain in achieving full employment equity for individuals with disabilities.

Transportation: The Americans with Disabilities Act applies to both public and private ground transportation providers. The ADA rules that apply to transportation are regulated by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Communication and Technology: The rise of digital technology and the internet has brought new challenges and opportunities for individuals with disabilities. The ADA has played a role in addressing these issues by advocating for accessible websites, software and electronic communication. The accessibility standards set by the ADA have influenced the development of guidelines for digital accessibility.

Reflecting on Progress and Future Challenges

July 26th marks the 33rd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, a groundbreaking legislation that has transformed the lives of millions of individuals with disabilities in the United States. As we at DSHS DVR celebrate this significant milestone, it is essential to reflect on the progress made over the years and recognize the ongoing challenges that lie ahead in achieving full inclusion and equality for all.

One of the primary goals of DSHS DVR has been to promote equal employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. The ADA prohibits discrimination based on disability and requires employers with 15 or more employees to provide reasonable accommodations that enable qualified individuals to perform their job duties. This has resulted in increased workplace inclusivity, with more companies recognizing the talents and contributions that individuals with disabilities bring to the workforce. Please join us as we celebrate the 33rd anniversary of the ADA by sharing via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn: #ThanksToTheADA #ADA33 #ADANetwork #DisabilityPride or CONNECT: Facebook #ThanksToTheADA

Join or attend the business resource group for members of the Disabled Community and their allies in Washington state service

Disability Inclusion Network

The DIN BRG exists to engage the experience, values and knowledge of people with disabilities in state government, promoting universal access, and creating an environment where people with disabilities can fully participate in all aspects of the workplace.

For a shareable version of this story: https://www.dshs.wa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Celebrating33rdADAAnniversaryNL.pdf



WA State Department of Social and Health Services
WA State Department of Social and Health Services

Written by WA State Department of Social and Health Services

The WA State DSHS delivers a variety of social services, employment supports, safety programs, and court-ordered behavioral health care.

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